RE:Kimi ni Todoke 3


Aww yeah, Kimi ni Todoke! This first anime in about 3-4 years that I will be following every week (no lie). Anyways, after the crazyawesome that was episode 1 and 2 (both of which made me cry, even though crying is supposed to be an extremely rare occurrence found in polymetricans), episode 3 cuts back a little on the overwhelming heartwarming factor with more humour and just plain shoujo cuteness(?). There was a lot of Sawako and Kazehaya blushing at each other this week, though I don’t believe anyone will object to that (please don’t) as they are pretty cool kids. As with Ep.1 & 2, this episode also follows the manga exactly (covered chapters 2 and 3), and introduces new characters like Pin and NotAlto Ryuu (latter is played by NAKAMURA Yuuichi). That Girl With The Long Brown Hair (aka Kurimizawa, played by HIRANO Aya) also finally gets a chance to speak: “Hai” and “Un”. I found this extremely funny for whatever reason (maybe spite).

Gist of the episode: Sawako makes more new friends this episode, and the class starts warming up to her, leading to her exhibiting that incredible smile in the screenshot up there, which in my opinion was superior to the manga version. Other events/things covered in this episode include getting a substitute teacher, filling out the attendance, dropping papers in the hallway, walking a certain dog, self-study in class, and terrible, terrible gossiping girls. (Okay fine, they’re not that terrible yet as they have spoken about 6 lines so far.)

After the ending theme was played, it was also announced that Kimi no Todoke will be getting a Nintendo DS game titled 「君に届け 育てる思い」 (Kimi ni Todoke: Nurturing Feelings), and is a text-based game with character portraits. No minigames or other features have been shown yet. I expect (or require) them to show more info about it next week!!

One thought on “RE:Kimi ni Todoke 3

  1. You’re following Kimi ni Todoke?! YEAAAAAAH. \o/
    In any case, I am so ready for someone to just drop kick those gossiping girls. Also, I am agreeing with you about the smile is comparison to the manga version, though I think it’s just because colour tends to make everything better. :’D

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